標準答案 學生答案 |
配分:[10.00] |
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1. 當你想向外國朋友表達、甚至誇大自己的飢餓狀態時,可以說「I am as hungry as a horse.」。
配分:[10.00] |
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2. 「It is re-built from once abandoned warehouse of Kaohsiung Harbor.」說明的是高雄哪一處景點呢?
- Pier-2 Art Center
- Kaohsiung Film Archives
- Rueifeng Night Market
- Wind Turbine Park
配分:[10.00] |
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3. 當你帶著外國朋友到廟裡抽籤時,可以用英文「fortune poems」來說明「籤詩」。
配分:[10.00] |
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4. 當你想向外國朋友說明「傳說這個陣式是為了保護全村而組成。」時,不要用下列哪個句型呢?
- There is a legend
- Legend has it
- It is rumored
- According to the legend
配分:[10.00] |
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5. 當外國朋友對你說:「Let's go back home and hit the sack.」代表什麼意思呢?
- 我們回家打枕頭戰吧
- 我們回家打袋子吧
- 我們回家上床睡覺吧
- 我們回家聊天吧
配分:[10.00] |
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6. 內門宋江陣是謝神庇佑的儀式,它每年大約幾月舉辦呢?
- January
- March
- July
- October
配分:[10.00] |
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7. 當外國朋友聽完你對美景的讚嘆後,脫口說出:「Tell me about it.」代表什麼意思呢?
- 同意你的看法
- 不同意你的看法
- 要你對美景多做描述
- 要你安靜的欣賞美景
配分:[10.00] |
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8. 在高雄的四座宗教建築中,請問哪一座宗教建築最古老呢?
- the new Confucious Temple in Lotus Pond
- the Catholic church, Rose Basilica on Wufu Road
- Tianhou Temple of Cijin
- Wude Martial Arts Center in Gushan District
配分:[10.00] |
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9. 當你的朋友拿著手上的珍珠奶茶,詢問它的組成材料時,你該怎麼說呢?
- Pearl milk tea included tapioca, water, and sugar
- Pearl milk tea consists of tapioca, water, and sugar
- Pearl milk tea is tapioca, water, and sugar
- Pearl milk tea contain of tapioca, water, and sugar
配分:[10.00] |
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10. 當你帶領外國友人觀賞宋江陣表演活動時,可以跑入陣中或穿越陣式,以招來好運。