
There is an offshore facility shown in the picture below. What type of offshore facility is the oil tanker refueling?
Offshore refueling station

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1. Regarding the history of the development of Kaohsiung Harbor, which of the following descriptions is correct?
The development of Kaohsiung Harbor can be traced back to the Dutch period.
Kaohsiung Harbor was developed starting from the southernmost part.

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After watching the video, Amy comes up with a sentence using words related to mining and minerals. However, she spilled coffee on the exam paper. Can you help her fill in the blanks?
________ is commonly used as a fuel source in the _______ process to achieve high temperatures necessary for metal production.

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Please read the following paragraph and determine whether it is TRUE or FALSE.
Chihkan Tower is a renowned architectural landmark in Tainan. Its architectural style underwent multiple transformations during various ruling periods. Originally named Provintia, this name has Dutch origins and carries a romantic meaning, signifying prestige.

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1. 除了馬斯洛(Maslow1954)提出的五個需求層次外,在現在社會還需要加上網路需求(Wi-FiInternet)



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Which characteristics are applicable to a yacht harbor but not suitable for a fishing port?
A yacht harbor offers berthing and unloading services for recreational boats and luxury vessels, meeting the needs of leisure sailors.

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1. AI的快速發展多虧運算速度的大幅提升

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1. 經常贈送禮品,對方雖然不悅,但未碰觸到對方,不構成性騷擾。



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1. 性騷擾僅發生在職場?



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 標準答案 學生答案
配分:[10.00] [解答]財政資訊人工智慧應用發展經驗分享
1. 下列關於財政部人工智慧應用的敘述中何者錯誤?
  1. 智能專案中除了要提升效率外,也必須兼顧安全性與適法性
  2. 常態案例中分析資料的時間皆遠超於蒐集資料的時間
  3. 查核系統需要重新定義篩選門檻,選擇投資報酬率最高且最適合的演算法
  4. 分工訓練時重視業務人員的投入,因為業務人員較能理解實際操作的困難點,但仍須與資訊人員保持密切合作
配分:[10.00] [解答]財政資訊人工智慧應用發展經驗分享
2. 請問智能客服在財政資訊人工智慧應用中擁有何種功能?
  1. 提供人員永續性訓練的使用平台
  2. 產生資料蒐集表格,加快資訊彙整速度
  3. 快速回應客戶的需求,減少等待時間,提高滿意度
  4. 以上皆非
配分:[10.00] [解答]財政資訊人工智慧應用發展經驗分享

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